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Thursday 25 April 2013

Got to say this has been a long day already and I'm only half way through his shift. Seven cups of coffee later and not realising I worked an extra twenty minutes are making me feel very like a daddy long legs bouncing around my local coffee shop, this time for a chai latte as its caffine free. I've got to say with cinnamon ontop and gingerbread syrup tastes a hell of a lot like Christmas! I feel there's not much to do on this particular break of an hour and a half and that spending my hard earned money on a £3 caffine free latte is the only thing to do, followed obviously by buying Omnoms (omnoms is short for M&ms, it's actually longer) for me and the other staff tonight. 13 hour shifts are a real pain but I have to say I kinda enjoy the feeling of going back into work refreshed, everyone always ask what I do or take on my break because I come back so happy. Well I'll tell you, it's mushrooms... No I'm kidding you obviously I don't need dragons in my peripherals thanks. The one thing that keeps me going is looking towards what my money is actually going towards, I know that within just over a month I'll be leaving again, you have to suffer to get the goods in this life. Little does the pain of this long shift know it's doing me a favour, more hours equals more money and that means more travel

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